5 Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss Success

What is holding you back for achieving weight loss success? Have you been trying diet after diet with no success? Or maybe punishing yourself with intense exercise regimes... Believe me, it doesn't work!

So, if you want to find out 5 simple things that you can implement today to help with your weight loss success long-term, then sign up to receive my FREE e-book!

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Use This Freebie To Help You...

Stop Dieting!

This will help you ditch that diet mentality as they rarely address any underlying issues. The only way to successfully lose weight long-term is to change the way that you eat.

Measure Health, Not Kilos

This will help you understand the importance of not weighing yourself constantly. A scale won't tell you if your clothes are fitting better; if your body fat percentage has changed; & it won't tell you if you are looking & feeling better.

Intense Exercise Doesn't Always Work

It is important to understand that weight & fat are not one & the same. When it comes to fat loss, your diet is going to play the biggest role in changing your body fat percentage. Yes, exercise is important, but no amount of exercise will make up for a bad diet!

Consistency is Key 

Learn how to stop thinking about weight as a day-to-day event. Stopping & starting a new diet every day confuses your body, making it hold onto fat, which in turn, creates more frustration & often leads to more diets. Being consistent with a healthy lifestyle is the key to long-term weight loss success.

"I loved this Freebie! It helped me to understand why diet after diet wouldn't work long-term and how focusing on the scales was causing me more harm than good."


"This Freebie was the first step to helping me achieve my weight loss goals. I now understand how having a coach to support you on your journey & a simple plan to follow, can make all the difference! I've lost the weight & kept it off!!"


So Nice To Meet You!
My Name is Trina

I am a qualified Naturopath & Metabolic Balance Coach. I work with people to help them shed those excess kilos, & to break free from that "blah" feeling, without starvation or punishing themselves with intense exercise regimes.

I have struggled with weight most of my life, so I know what it feels like to be continually cutting back food & exhausting myself with more & more exercise with no long-term results.  Throw in the hormones pulling me in every direction after 40, feeling like I was hitting my head on a brick wall trying to shift the weight! After all the diets over the years, it took finding this personalised meal plan to lose the weight & keep it off! It has been the answer to my prayers! I no longer need to be doing diet after diet getting nowhere. I know what food makes me & my body happy, & to top it off, no more hot flushes!! Maybe I can help you achieve your health goals as well.

© 2023 Essential Health Naturopathy. All rights reserved.     

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