Stubborn weight that won't shift, hormones pulling you in every direction, brain fog, irritable & exhausted...

Have you ever felt this way?

Because... I can totally relate!
I have had to deal with a lot of personal trauma over the years, including stress, anxiety, depression and weight concerns. All of these had an impact on my gut health and joints as well. Stress, mental wellbeing such as anxiety and mild depression, along with fatigue, really took a toll on my body. I have always been interested in Natural Medicine, but when faced head-on with the grief of losing a parent, and caring for a loved one with Parkinson's Disease and Dementia, it truly motivated me to learn more about the Brain-Gut Connection, and to become a qualified Naturopath.

I am able to see the value in complimentary treatment supporting allopathic medicine. Focusing on cleansing the gut has a significant impact on the brain.  The digestive system and Brain connection not only involve memory, but may help every person when dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, immune 

dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, weight issues, and many others. These life-altering events, paired with my weight issues, set me on the path to seek help. With the guidance of a Naturopath, I managed to lose 35kg naturally by changing my diet and lifestyle, and learning how to maintain this loss without mentally beating myself up, if I managed to slip up.

I primarily work with people that require assistance in working on their weight issues and all that it entails including mental wellbeing, reducing stress, increasing energy and changing the mindset that comes along with removing weight loss blocks. Changes to your diet and lifestyle alone may assist with multiple other body systems, including the gut. It can be a rollercoaster ride working between these two systems, and I am aware as I have been on board many times! However, I believe, taking the time to address your concerns now will be much more beneficial to your long-term health. Working together, we may be able to find a solution.

From my studies, and my personal experiences, I aim to educate and assist you in achieving your optimal health and wellbeing. I look at the body as a whole, taking into account physical, mental, environmental and spiritual factors, to help you as an individual.

Remember… Every person is unique.

My Story/My Experiences

I personally understand that we are all human… I rode the rollercoaster ride yet again back in 2018. I was so busy working on getting through each day, the one thing that slipped was my diet and weight. However, I was determined, at that time, never to get back to where I was 17 years ago! Once I learned some new coping techniques, completing more studies on mental wellbeing and started studying Metabolic Balance, I realised how important our metabolism is to every other body system. I lost over 19kg and maintained this weight loss with some minor fluctuations at times. I think I’m the lightest I’ve been in over 30 years!! My gut is the happiest it has ever been, which helps with my mental wellbeing. I also have reduced joint pain, gained more energy and the transition into the next stage of life as a woman is cruising a lot easier. With balanced hormones, the hot flushes disappeared, brain fog started to clear, moods began to balance and I am now able to function. If you’re at that stage of life… you know exactly what I mean!!


  • Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy
  • Metabolic Balance Coach
  • Naturopathic Emotional Release Practitioner

Plus many more qualifications in a variety of fields... ask me!

Results you have achieved

The above events, as well as my long-standing love for natural medicine, is what made me study Naturopathy. I am now a qualified Naturopath (Adv Dip Nat), along with being a certified Metabolic Balance Coach. I continually attend and complete training/courses, both in Australia and overseas, in order to keep myself updated on the latest research. I have recently completed training to become a certified Naturopathic Emotional Release (NER) practitioner (which is now known as Emotion Release Technique (ERT)).

What else has got me here...

I have spent many years travelling both overseas & throughout Australia. After approximately 6 years in the Northern Territory & Kimberley region, I decided to move back east to be closer to family. After all the heat, Bundaberg was as far south as I could tolerate!! Haha! I have achieved many life experiences in a multitude of areas that I am able to share with you to help you on your journey to optimal health & wellbeing!

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